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The Rise of ‘Conscious Travelling ’; Exploring the World, Post the Global Pandemic PAUSE 

conscious travelling

In the blink of an eye; those social media posts of gorgeous landscapes, sun-kissed smiles, waves crashing on the beach, happy enthusiastic airport layovers became a thing of the past. The world hit a sudden pause button and travel, when we resume it will never be the same again! Here’s how the next generation is going to move ahead with conscious travelling.clean earth

As we stay put, practicing ‘social distancing’; perhaps for the first time, in modern history – we have a generation that is witnessing the environment healing in front of their eyes, when our economic activity stands still. Surely, when the ports open, airport queues start buzzing again; how will travel and travellers embrace this new opportunity to revel in the joy of wanderlust? 

A sneak peek to the next-gen travel trends! 

Conscious Travelling

As the world opens up, in the post pandemic era – there will be a generation of travellers who definitely are more conscious and appreciative of the privilege and opportunity of being able to see more of the world. While the world is available at the click of a button – from travel bookings to hotel stays; to revel in the culture, beauty of another country beyond borders is truly an opportunity. Conscious travelling will bring in more respect and an underlying sense of gratitude to travel. 

Keeping It Simplefresh water

The world can and did stop and for those who have navigated days hopping airports, stranded in a cruise liner or perhaps just not able to get back home – it possibly was the ultimate nightmare! How will COVID19 change the travel habits of people?  A lot many of us, will possibly simplify our travel and factor in some sudden halts and emergencies better. Minimalistic, travel practices will see some serious converts as a new wave of travellers will prefer to travel light and travel right! 

Counting Our Carbon Footprint

We have seen the Earth healing before our eyes with this economic activity pause. Travelling and travellers ahead will be more ecological and environmental conscious. We will definitely look at calculating our carbon footprint and making our stays greener and Eco-friendly as much as we can. Stay preferences will be for hotels and home stays which have sound environmental friendly practices and use as much local produce as possible. conscious travelling

Small Steps for Sustainability

How sustainable can our travel be in the days, months to come? Every flight, every cruise ship, every bus ride, every train track means a use of environmental resources. Travel is indeed the biggest industry and the largest generator of economic activity; however in the post-pandemic world; sustainable travel will become the norm. Carry your own reusable coffee mug, pack in a reusable straw; mix and match your travel wardrobe, use green gadgets, shop less, more mindfully and know that travel is a dialogue with culture. 

Local, Immersive Experiencesconscious travelling

A major shift in travel trend in the coming months will be a focus on local, immersive travel experiences. Travel, connectivity, culture is a social need and in the days to come; more demand will come in for local, closer-to-home travel experiences. Travel hitherto majorly has been a cross-country hopping one; to collect more visa stamps and full passport pages. Now, it will be looking at our own culture, respective countries with new eyes and soaking in short-trips, road trips, camping, culture stays over choosing to fly more! clear sky

Travel & Fitness

Fitness will become a travel mainstay! If at all, this pandemic has opened our eyes and collective minds to the truth that travel is as much as a health carrier as an economic one. We cannot ignore the impact global health has on travel and economic activity and post the global pause; our travel habits, intentions and journeys will also be tailor-made to be fitter physically! Going forward, we will see the emergence of ‘fit-tourism’; as countries gear up to welcome physically fitter tourists to explore and enjoy the beauty of travel. 

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