Travel Links

Women’s Day special series by Travel Links – Ms Komal Seth

 Ms. Komal Seth

Founder of a travel representation & PR Company, Linkin Reps

Please let us know about your initial years in the Travel Industry.

The initial days were full of challenges. But nothing could stop me. I knew where I was heading and why I started. I have always followed the mantra “never give up.”

What are the challenges you faced, and how did you overcome them?

It will be interesting for the readers to know that when I started, I was the youngest woman entrepreneur in the industry, and my first five bank loans, which I had applied for the business to build, has gone through rejections. But, miracles do happen when you believe in yourself.

Please let us know a bit about your strengths.

My biggest strength is my Mother. I get that energy and vibes from her.  She has this whole bunch of positivity and happiness, which makes me keep going, no matter how challenging the situation is.

May we know more about your current initiatives?

We have been working with new media and taking a lot of digital initiatives for our clients. Going Instagram live and creating contests on the different social media platforms, we have kept our audience engaged.

How was 2020 for you, and what would you like to do in 2021?

During the pandemic, it was all about how smartly you survive to go far. Now that the vaccination has already begun in India, our hope is high again. However, if you keep work aside, 2020 gave us a lot more than Covid-19. 2020 was a year to live with parents, spend time with the old ones, talking to old friends, eat healthy, work out regularly, and a lot more.


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